Below are ten different types of font styles that I could potentially use on the cover of my digipak, as well as on my poster. From this list of ten, I have chosen to more closely look at styles two, six, eight and nine and decide which one I want to use.

I like the spacing between letters with this style of font, and think that the fact that the name of the artist is capitalised is more effective and makes a better statement than if it was lowercase. I like this style of font because it makes a statement but also has a sense of elegance about it.

This is a nice style of font, but I think that the boldness of the text could potentially be too harsh for the look I want to obtain. Combining this with the little spacing between letters, although I like this font, I am not sure that I want to use it on my final products.

This is a nice style of font and I like how the letters extend in length and are not very wide. I think that it looks good capitalised, but perhaps it is not quite as sophisticated as I want it to look. It may look better with more spacing between the letters, but as I do not like the letter 'R' in this style of font, so I'm not sure that I want to use it.

I like this style of font with the double lines and the shadows that this creates on each letter. However, although it is the same black colour as the other fonts, it appears much paler than the others. For this reason, while I think that it is elegant and sophisticated I find it perhaps too pale for use on my digipak or advertisement.
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